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Harold Gillies was known to all his friends as “Giles”.

Long before he was even a surgeon, Harold Gillies was destined to become one of life’s over-achievers. A complex, talented and driven individual whose concentration and will power were legendary. At University, where his nickname originated, he attained a chapel scholarship in his first year, a rowing “Blue” shortly after and a Half Blue for Golf. Indeed, he went on to play golf as an amateur for England. He played the violin, fished and tinkered with inventions, doodling and designing them. Some, like his surgical instruments, and a new design coat hanger, became physical reality.

Gillies could be demanding and irascible in theatre. He was rough in his surgical assistants, ritually humiliating them for perceived errors, particularly if there were visitor in his theatres. But he was also kindly and fiercely loyal to those he liked. He never appeared to hold grudges, despite becoming embroiled in many professional disputes. He also possessed an impish sense of humour, becoming an inveterate practical joker, often to the annoyance of his peers, even occasionally taking on the persona of an alter-ego, “Dr Scroggy”.