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Definition: Conditions that develop later in life due to accident or infection.

Definition: Lazy eye.

anal intra-epithelial neoplasia (AIN)
Definition: A preinvasive cancer involving the surface layer of the anus.

Definition: Before birth.

arteriovenous malformations (AVM)
Definition: Rare and dangerous lesions that occur in the scalp, head and neck region. Often triggered by puberty, there is often a visible swelling in the skin which is blue in colour.

Definition: This is surgery to fuse a joint.

Definition: The procedure whereby liquid contents of a swelling can be removed with a needle.

autologous ear reconstruction
Definition: Reconstruction of the ear using the patient’s own tissue.



basal cell cancer
Definition: This is the most common form of skin cancer. It grows locally and does not spread elsewhere in the body. It is usually cured by simple removal.

bat ears
Definition: A colloquial term for prominent ears.

Bell’s palsy
Definition: A condition caused by infection of by a reduced blood supply to the facial nerve.

Definition: A benign condition is one that is not usually serious or harmful.

bilateral cleft lip
Definition: When clefts occur on both sides of the mouth.

bilateral microtia
Definition: Microtia affecting both ears.

Definition: A biopsy is a medical test involving the removal of cells or tissues for examination.

bone distraction
Definition: A new surgical technique often used in the treatment of hemifacial microsomia. Developed from limb lengthening operations first described in Russia, this technique is based on the principle of pushing small pins into bone, and moving these pins apart by a connecting bar which incorporates a screw thread. As the pins are gradually stretched apart, the bone and surrounding soft tissue is also stretched.

brachial plexus
Definition: The group of nerves located behind the collar bone which control feeling and movements in the arm.

buried prosthesis
Definition: An artificial implant that is under the skin.



Definition: The smallest blood vessels in the deep layer of skin.

capillary haemangiomas
Definition: Another term for a haemangioma or strawberry mark.

carpal tunnel syndrome
Definition: A condition caused by mechanical interference with the median nerve in the wrist. This large nerve provides feeling to the thumb, index and middle fingers and half of the ring finger. It also provides power to the small muscles at the base of the thumb. The median nerve enters the hand from the forearm, passing beneath a tough ligament (known as the carpal ligament) that runs across the wrist. This nerve can become squeezed, either because the contents of the tunnel beneath the ligament swell, or because the size of the tunnel decreases. This squeezing of the nerve causes tingling in the fingers, often accompanied by numbness. These sensations are usually worse at night, and often wake a patient from sleep. Pain can occur later on in the condition and can be felt in the hand, forearm or even in the upper arm and shoulder.

cauliflower ear
Definition: An acquired shriveling of the outer ear common in boxers and rugby players.

cavernous haemangiomas
Definition: Another term for a haemangioma or strawberry mark.

cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (CIN)
Definition: Abnormal cells in the cervix that only involve the surface layer of the cervix.

Definition: The neck of the uterus or womb.

Definition: Saromas arising from cartilage

Definition: Split or separation.

cleft lip
Definition: Where the lip components fail to fuse and are split or separated.

cleft nurse
Definition: A specialist nurse that works as part of the cleft lip and palate team.

cleft palate
Definition: Where the palate is split or separated. This occurs when the main components of the palate – the two palatal shelves in the roof of the mouth – fail to fuse properly.

clinical nurse specialist
Definition: A clinical expert in the delivery of evidence-based nursing interventions usually in one specific area of clinical practice.

Definition: Medical practitioner who specialises in cancer and its treatment.

closed rhinoplasty
Definition: Nose reshaping operation carried out from inside the nostrils.

Definition: The central piece at the bottom of the nose that divides the nostrils.

complete cleft lip
Definition: A whole side-cleft running up to the nose from the lip.

complete cleft palate
Definition: A complete cleft of the palate extends to the hard palate, the bony part at the front of the mouth.

composite graft
Definition: A graft consisting of skin and other underlying tissues such as fat and cartilage.

Definition: The cartilage bowl of the ear.

Definition: Conditions present at birth.

constricted ear
Definition: A congenital condition in which the ear takes on a cup shape due to shortening of the outer circumference of the ear.

Definition: A situation where tissues or scars shorten and cause deformity.

Definition: A bone distraction procedure whereby a cut is made in the bone which is to be stretched. Pins are passed through the skin and into the bone on either side of the cut. These pins are then connected together by a distractor. In most cases, the distractor is opened by approximately one to two millimetres each day through the turning of a small screw. An average distraction length is likely to be in the region of two to two and half centimetres, which will probably take about three weeks to achieve. At the end of the period of distraction, the distractor is left in position for six to eight weeks while new bone fills the gaps which have been created. A second small operation is then required to remove the distractor.

cosmetic surgery
Definition: A range of surgical procedures that are carried out to alter and enhance a patient’s physical appearance.

craniofacial dysostosis
Definition: Is the term used to describe a number of conditions which, like craniosynostosis, involve the overgrowth and undergrowth of the structures of the head and face.

Definition: A condition caused by the premature closure of the gaps between the bones of the cranium.

Definition: Cryptotia means ‘buried ear’. This is a relatively rare deformation in which the groove behind the ear is not fully formed. This is aesthetically displeasing and can cause difficulties in wearing glasses. This condition can occasionally be corrected using splints but more commonly is corrected surgically around the age of 5.

cup ear
Definition: A colloquial term for constricted ears.

Definition: Cysts associated with the skin are very common. They appear as rubbery or firm lumps just beneath the skin and attached to it. Often a tendency to get cysts is inherited. If they grow large they can become unsightly, they can become infected.



Definition: Concerning the act of defaecation.

deformational plagiocephaly
Definition: Flat head syndrome in newborn babies. This is asymmetry in a baby’s head caused by the positioning of the head during extended time spent in a neonatal unit, the birth process, the position in the womb, and most often, the infant's preferred sleeping position.

Definition: Deep layer of skin.

donor site
Definition: A healthy part of the body where skin is removed as part of a skin graft or flap procedure.

Definition: Bridge of the nose.

dupuytrens contracture
Definition: This affects the layer of gristle which lies beneath the skin on the palm of the hand, fastening the skin to bone, enabling us to clutch and grip. The disease first makes its appearance as a small lump in the pit of the palm. Over time, this lump may form a cord of tissue that runs from the palm to the finger. After a while, this cord begins to shrink, drawing the finger into a clawed position.



Definition: A treatment for arteriovenous malformations (AVM) with onyx. Designed to stop the blood-flow to the lesions.

Definition: A cut made in the posterior wall of the vagina during childbirth.

Definition: Surgical removal.

excision surgery
Definition: An operation to remove a diseased part of the body.

Definition: A balloon-like device inserted under the skin near the area to be repaired, which is then gradually filled with salt water, causing the skin to stretch and grow.



facial bi-partition
Definition: A procedure whereby the face is deliberately split vertically along the line of the nasal bridge during monobloc advancement, in order to bring the eyes closer together, expand the upper jaw and rotate the two halves of the face into a more normal position.

facial palsy
Definition: This refers to a paralysis of part of the face caused by a dysfunction of the facial nerve. The facial nerve controls the facial muscles, especially those around the eyes and mouth – for example, the muscles that lift the eyebrows, close the eyelids and raise the corners of the mouth to shape a smile. It is in these areas that patients with facial palsy most commonly experience problems.

failure of fusion
Definition: When developing tissues fail to join up properly.

Definition: Between the tissues of the body are layers of connective tissue that separate them. These layers are known as fascia.

fascial flap
Definition: A flap including the fascia along with its blood supply.

Definition: Transfer of a living piece of tissue from one part of the body to another, along with the blood vessels that keep it alive. Unlike a skin graft, flaps carry with them their own blood supply. Flap surgery can restore form and function to areas of the body that have lost skin, fat, muscle movement, and/or skeletal support.

flap reconstruction
Definition: Flap reconstruction involves the transfer of a living piece of tissue from one part of the body to another, along with the blood vessel that keeps it alive. Unlike a skin graft, flaps carry with them their own blood supply. Flap surgery can restore form and function to areas of the body that have lost skin, fat, muscle movement, and/or skeletal support. There are two main types of flap. These are local flap and regional flap.

flap surgery/reconstruction
Definition: Flap reconstruction involves the transfer of a living piece of tissue from one part of the body to another, along with the blood vessel that keeps it alive. Unlike a skin graft, flaps carry with them their own blood supply. Flap surgery can restore form and function to areas of the body that have lost skin, fat, muscle movement, and/or skeletal support. There are two main types of flap. These are local flap and regional flap.

flat head syndrome
Definition: Asymmetry in a baby’s caused by the positioning of the baby’s head during extended time spent in a neonatal unit, the birth process, the position in the womb, and most often, the infant's preferred sleeping position.

free flap
Definition: Free flap reconstruction involves the transfer of living tissue from one part of the body to another, along with the blood vessels that keep it alive. Unlike other flap transfers, free flaps are entirely disconnected from their original blood supply and are reconnected using microsurgery in the recipient site. This procedure involves hooking up the tiny blood vessels of the flap with those in the new site, and is carried out with use of an operating microscope.

full thickness skin graft
Definition: A graft consisting of all layers of the skin.



Definition: Ganglions are the most common type of swelling in the hand. They contain a thick clear liquid called synovial fluid. Although ganglions can arise from any joint or tendon tunnel, there are four common locations in the hand and wrist - in the middle of the back of the wrist; on the front of the wrist at the base of the thumb; at the base of a finger, and on the back of a finger end-joint. Ganglions occur when synovial fluid leaks out of a joint or tendon tunnel and forms a swelling under the skin, although the cause of these leaks is not known. In some cases ganglions are painful, in others they are not.

Definition: A clinical geneticist arranges tests and advises patients and families who suffer from inherited conditions.

Definition: The term used to describe any surgery to the chin which does not involve the tooth-bearing part of the lower jaw. These procedures may be used to move the chin forwards, backwards, upwards or downwards, and are usually done via an incision made inside the mouth where the lower lip joins the lower gum. The bone of the chin is cut horizontally below the level of the tooth roots, and is then moved into its new position and fixed there with wires or titanium screws. These remain in place and do not need to be removed. The incision is then closed with dissolving stitches.

genital tract
Definition: The lower urinary and reproductive tract.

Definition: A drug used to treat GIST sarcomas.

Definition: A skin graft involves taking a healthy patch of skin from one area of the body, known as the donor site, and using it to cover another area where skin is missing or damaged. The piece of skin that is moved is entirely disconnected, and requires blood vessels to grow into it when placed in the recipient site.

gynaecological oncology
Definition: Concerning cancers arising from the female genital tract.

Definition: Medical practitioner who deals with the health of the female reproductive system.



Definition: A benign overgrowth of blood vessels on the skin that appears as a soft, raised swelling. They are typically crimson red in colour with a slightly dimpled surface. They appear just after birth, largely around the head and neck but can appear anywhere on the body. Colloquially known as strawberry marks or birthmarks and medically also referred to as strawberry naevi, strawberry haemangiomas, capillary haemangiomas and cavernous haemangiomas.

hand trauma
Definition: Major injuries that have been sustained to the hand. This could range from burns and skin loss to loss of digits.

hard palate
Definition: Bony palate at the front of the month.

hemifacial microsomia
Definition: A congenital condition involving underdevelopment of the face.

HPV virus
Definition: The human papilloma virus.

Definition: Defect of the urethra in baby boys.



incomplete cleft lip
Definition: Slight notch in the lip.



joint stabilisation
Definition: This involves either realignment of bones or ligament reconstruction using a tendon; suitable only for a minority of patients who have an unstable joint but little damage to the surfaces of the joints.



Definition: The external lips of the vagina.

labia majora
Definition: The outer lips of the vagina.

labia minora
Definition: The inner lips of the vagina.

Definition: A surgical procedure to reshape the inner lips of the vagina.

le fort osteotomies
Definition: Operations to move the facial bones forward.

Definition: Sarcomas that grow out of smooth muscle.

Definition: A lesion is a medical name for a skin blemish of some sort. Skin lesions include moles, warts, cysts and lipomas.

levator muscle
Definition: A muscle in the middle of the eyelid.

Definition: Lipomas are fatty lumps under the skin. They usually grow slowly as painless swellings.

local flaps
Definition: Uses a piece of skin and underlying tissue that lie near to the wound. The flap remains attached at one end so that it continues to be nourished by its original blood supply and is repositioned over the wounded area.

local surgical excision
Definition: Local removal of a lesion with a cuff of normal tissue.

lop ears
Definition: A colloquial term for constricted ears.

Definition: A clear fluid carried through a network of channels in the body known as the lymphatic system.

lymph nodes
Definition: These are organs consisting of many types of cells, and are part of the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes are found all through the body, and act as filters or traps for foreign particles. They contain white blood cells and are important in the proper functioning of the immune system.

lymphatic malformations
Definition: A vascular malformation. These involve the lymph system and are present at birth or develop up until the age of two. The do not shrink or fade. They vary from small blister-like marks on the skin to large swellings in the neck, limbs or face.

lymphatic system
Definition: A network of channels in the body that carry a clear fluid called lymph.



malignant melanoma
Definition: Melanoma is the type of cancer that arises in pigment cells within the skin. It is less common than the other sorts, but can be more serious. The majority of patients are still cured by simple removal, but melanoma can come back after removal and spread elsewhere in the body. Over the past few decades, the incidence of melanoma has risen steadily throughout the world.

maxillary osteotomy
Definition: Facial surgery to correct abnormalities of the jaw.

medical oncologist
Definition: Medical practitioner who specialises in cancer and its treatment.

Definition: Surgery carried out with use of a microscope.

microsurgical transfer/transplantation
Definition: Surgery carried out with use of a microscope.

Definition: Translated from the Greek, means ‘little ear’. It is the medical word used to describe a small or absent ear in newborn babies.

mohs micrographic surgery
Definition: A technique to remove a skin cancer with a narrow margin. The edges are then mapped and carefully checked to ensure complete removal of the tumour. If the excision is incomplete the involved margin is re-excised. This process is repeated until the excision is confirmed to be complete at all the edges.

Definition: A mole is a clump of pigment cells in the skin. Moles usually appear as flat brown marks during childhood and early adult life. They gradually change as time goes by often becoming more raised and paler, some go away completely. Moles assume a wide variety of sizes and appearances, some grow hair, and some are rough on the surface.

monobloc advancement
Definition: A LeFort III type osteotomy which extends into the skull to move the forehead region forward at the same time.

mons pubis
Definition: The mound anterior to the vagina.

multi disciplinary teams
Definition: This is a team made up of specialists working together to make sure that the best possible treatment is given


nevus flammeus
Definition: The medical name for capillary malformations.

non-melanoma skin cancer
Definition: Basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer are two types of non-melanoma skin cancer.



open rhinoplasty
Definition: The cartilage that makes up the tip-support to the nose needs to be partly removed or reshaped. This is done through the nostril, or by making a small cut in the bit (columella) between the nostrils.

Definition: A dental specialist that treats dental displacement or facial growth abnormalities on an aesthetic or reconstructive basis.

orthopaedic surgeons
Definition: Surgeons that carry out procedures concerning the musculoskeletal system.

osteoarthritis (OA)
Definition: This is the degeneration of a joint through wear and tear. It can cause aching, especially between thumb and the side of the index finger. The pain may lead to a sense of weakness when you pinch or grip. The base of the thumb may become swollen and may crunch audibly during certain movements. It may also become misshapen. It is this pain and disability that often encourages people to seek surgical interventions.

Definition: Sarcomas arising from bone.

Definition: Is the term used to describe the surgical correction of prominent ears.



paediatric urologist
Definition: A surgeon who diagnoses and treats conditions affecting the urinary tract and genital tract in children.

Definition: A medical specialist that deals with the illnesses and treatment of infants, children and adolescents.

palatal shelves
Definition: The two parts of the roof of the mouth that form the palate.

partial cleft palate
Definition: When the cleft is partial, it affects only the soft palate at the back of the mouth.

Definition: Medical practitioner who diagnoses diseases via tissue or cell samples or via autopsy.

Definition: That portion of the external pelvic organs that includes the urinary tract, the genital tract and anus.

Definition: A professional who treats and manages patient with musculoskeletal problems using exercises and other forms of physical therapy.

plastic surgery
Definition: A surgical specialty for achieving repair by transfer of tissues.

port wine stains (PWS)
Definition: The colloquial name for capillary malformations.

posterior repair
Definition: Surgical procedure whereby the vagina is separated from the rectum and the muscles pulled together to tighten the vaginal structures.

pressure sores
Definition: These affect people who are immobilised through sickness or disability. The sores themselves occur when skin overlying a bony prominence breaks down following prolonged contact with a surface, such as a mattress or a wheelchair seat.

primary bone cancers
Definition: A sarcoma affecting bone.

prominent ears
Definition: The problem is often inherited, and is caused by a lack of the usual cartilage folds in the ear.

prosphetic ear reconstruction
Definition: Shaping and fitting a false ear to the side of the head.

Definition: Someone who fits a prosthesis.

Definition: Professionals who are concerned using psychological findings to help people live healthy and productive lives and resolve mental health problems.



Definition: Medical practitioner who uses radiation to treat disease, usually cancer.

Definition: Radiation treatment used to treat disease, usually Cancer.

recipient site
Definition: An area of the body where skin is missing or damaged and to where tissue is transferred.

reconstructive surgery
Definition: This is about repairing people and restoring function. It is performed on abnormal bodily structures caused by birth defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma/injuries, infections, tumours and disease.

Definition: The lower part of the large bowel above the anus.

regional flap
Definition: Uses a section of tissue that is attached by a specific blood vessel. When the flap is lifted, it needs only a very narrow attachment to the original site to receive its nourishing blood supply from the artery and vein.

Definition: Nose reshaping.

Romberg’s hemifacial atrophy
Definition: An acquired condition characterised by the deterioration of the skin and soft tissue of one half of the face (usually the left side). More common in females than males, this deterioration causes initial changes in the tissues above the upper jaw, or between the nose and the upper corner of the lip. It then progresses to the mouth, the area surrounding the eye, the brow, the ear and the neck. It may also affect the tongue, the soft palate, and the gums. The eye and cheek of the affected side may become sunken, and facial hair may turn white and fall out.



Definition: A cancer of the body’s connective tissues, such as bone, muscle, cartilage and fat.

scaphoid fossa
Definition: The outer groove of the ear.

Definition: The central structure of the nose.

skin grafts
Definition: A skin graft involves taking a healthy patch of skin from one area of the body, known as the donor site, and using it to cover another area where skin is missing or damaged. The piece of skin that is moved is entirely disconnected, and requires blood vessels to grow into it when placed in the recipient site.

soft palate
Definition: The soft, flexible portion of the Palate at the back of the mouth that is concerned with speech.

speech and language therapist
Definition: The role of a speech and language therapist is to assess and treat speech, language and communication problems in people of all ages to enable them to communicate to the best of their ability.

Definition: A muscular constriction at the entrance or exit to a cavity or body organ.

Definition: The use of splints or other external devices to correct deformity, maintain position and support structures.

split-thickness skin graft
Definition: A graft that uses only the layers of skin closest to the surface.

stahl's bar
Definition: A bar of cartilage in the upper part of the ear causing an extra crease.

strawberry haemangiomas
Definition: Another term for a haemangioma or strawberry mark.

strawberry naevia
Definition: Another term for a haemangioma or strawberry mark.

synovial fluid
Definition: A thick, clear liquid that lubricates a joint or tendon. This fluid accumulates within a ganglion.


temporalis transfer
Definition: Where muscle is moved from the temple to the eyelids to restore strength is area and counter the effects of paralysis.

Definition: The major bone in the lower leg.

tissue expansion
Definition: Tissue expansion is a procedure that enables the body to ‘grow’ extra skin by stretching surrounding tissue. A balloon-like device called an expander is inserted under the skin near the area to be repaired, and is then gradually filled with salt water, causing the skin to stretch and grow.

toe to hand surgery
Definition: This involves the transfer of digits from the foot to the hand undertaken with use of a microscope. The absence of a finger does not usually have much effect on either the function or the appearance of the hand, but when the missing digit is a thumb, or when many digits are missing, surgery may be needed.

transverse carpal ligament
Definition: A tough ligament that runs across the wrist.

Definition: This involves the complete removal of the trapezium bone; recommended if the joint above or below this bone are affected by arthritis. Some surgeons fill the gap left by the bone, or the deficit with adjacent tissue.

trapeziectomy with ligament reconstruction
Definition: This is performed if there are concerns that the thumb appears too slack to sit securely in the new joint created by the removal of the bone.

trapeziometacarpal joint
Definition: The main joint at the base of the thumb. This joint carries a lot of force when the thumb is used, yet allows for a complex range of movements, including rotation.

Definition: Trauma refers to any serious, body-altering injury sustained through accident or impact. Trauma injuries vary in type and severity, but most commonly involve burns, lacerations, fractures and crush. Plastic surgeons have always been involved in the treatment of trauma.

Treacher-Collins syndrome
Definition: An inherited congenital condition with a genetic cause. It affects both sides of the face and is associated with alteration of the position of the eyes, deafness, underdeveloped low-set ears, and underdevelopment of the mid and lower face.

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unilateral microtia
Definition: Microtia affecting one ear.

upper limb
Definition: This refers to all structures from the fingertips to the neck, and also encompasses the group of nerves located behind the collar bone which control feeling in the arm.

Definition: The tube through which urine is passed.

urinary meatus
Definition: ‘Pee-hole’



vaginal stenosis
Definition: Constriction or blockage of the vagina.

vascular anomalies
Definition: These cover a broad spectrum of skin lesions present at birth of shortly after birth.

vascular malformations
Definition: One of the types of vascular anomalies. They are present at birth. They grow proportionately to a baby and are classified according to the dominant blood vessel type they contain.

Definition: The external female genitalia.

vulval intra-epithelial neoplasia (VIN)
Definition: Changes that can occur in the skin that covers the vulva. If left untreated, it can develop into vulval cancer.



Definition: A wart is a rough patch of skin. The most common type is caused by a wart virus infection. There other types of wart with other causes.

wide local excision surgery
Definition: This means not only removing a tumour but cutting out a fair amount of surrounding tissue also.

wound excision
Definition: Procedure whereby the wound is cleared of dead or damaged soft tissue and bone.



Definition: A procedure to convert a straight incision or scar into a zigzag. This is used throughout plastic surgery in a number of situations such as to release a contracture, reposition features, deepen a web, and improve the appearance of a scar.


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